On May 25th, 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect. In layman’s terms, what this means is that the information users provide to websites, with the best example being email subscriptions, cannot be used in any fashion by said websites without specific user consent. It also requires that users are made aware of any changes to previous subscriptions they have entered into and fully understand what they are signing up for when they initially opt-in to any email newsletter or other such service rendered by a platform.
Five Point Move (5PM) offers email alerts users can subscribe to when they fill out the pop-up box that greets new visitors. Should you subscribe to the 5PM email list, the information you provide will never be sold or passed on to any other source. EVER. When you agree to subscribe to our emails, you are agreeing only to receive notifications in your inbox pertaining to new or important articles, breaking Greco-Roman stories, and other content related to our platform and the sport at large.
Protecting our readers from becoming victimized by spam and third-party companies — especially those who may want to exploit their information — is of our highest priority and one that we take with extreme seriousness. The information you knowingly provide by subscribing to our emails (email address and name) also happens to include the location from which you consented to receive content alerts. This information is stored by us in our secured data files and is never disseminated to anyone else, nor is it used to track activity. In short, we do nothing with it other than to use such data to send out emails. And that will never change.
Please update your contact settings via this link.
If you have any questions regarding the GDPR legislature and how it potentially affects your engagement with Five Point Move, or if you are hesitant to remain on our email list and would like further clarification as to how exactly your information is procured and stored by us, please contact us directly: info@fivepointmove.com.
Thank you for supporting Five Point Move and this wonderful sport!
Five Point Move Staff