United States Greco-Roman wrestlers combined for 19 earned victories at the 2022 Pan-American Championships between Thursday and Friday of last week. Also...
Four golds and three bronze were more than enough for the United States to overwhelm all comers at the Pan-Ams as they...
Patrick Smith (72 kg) delivered one of the most sparkling efforts of his career on Thursday in locking up his fourth Pan-Am...
The 2022 US Open had its hits, such as the last match of the finals on Sunday evening, when Luke Sheridan (97 kg,...
Listen to “5PM52: Two-Time Olympian Jim Gruenwald” on Spreaker. Episode 52 welcomes in the one and only Jim Gruenwald, whose presence on...
Khymba Johnson (97 kg, NYAC) was only nine seconds away from the biggest victory of his career. Luke Sheridan (Army/WCAP), meanwhile, was...
The Army’s World Class Athletes Program had two of their star wrestlers depart early from the event due to injury and it...
One of the talking points leading up to the 2022 US Open was the return of several top Senior athletes. Be it...
The US Open is finally on the doorstep once again following a three-year hiatus. In the time since, there have been three...
Hungary’s Robert Fritsch (72 kg) gritting his teeth to gold was one of the bigger stories to come out of the European Championships...