Here’s the deal: you want a pre-workout supplement, but not a stimulant. You also want to boost your amino acid profile, but not by layering on another BCAA powder to your diet. Beta-Charge from MRI may be just the thing to solve your problem. A little extra boost that sustains through a practice session without clogging up your system with chemicals is always a good thing. The question is, is the benefit worth the price? And if so, can you deal with the “pins and needles” that come along with it?
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid (meaning, it is naturally occurring) widely known for its value in helping athletes maintain intensity levels during workouts. When it is naturally present in your body, beta-alanine aids in assisting the balance of muscle carnosine levels. But it is in supplementation where this process really takes on a whole new perspective.
You get some beta-alanine in your diet. Enough? Very likely not. Beta-alanine arrives most often in the dipeptides anserine, balenine, and of course, carnosine. Each of these dipeptides increase the ability for beta-alanine to form when consumed. Beef can give you the carnosine you’re looking for while venison offers the anserine you need. But even still, if you are a high-level athlete committed to an enormous work rate, your meals just aren’t enough to push the boundary.
What Beta-Charge does is help raise the threshold a whole lot quickly. 3,200mg of CarnoSyn brand beta-alanine per serving means your body’s cells are flooded with a burst of amino energy it just cannot produce on its own. The result? A pre-workout boost that does not relent. There is no “crash” with Beta-Charge. Instead, high work rates are maintained throughout without having to worry about a steep decline in energy towards the end. For wrestlers and martial artists interested in “pushing” more through their workouts, this is the product you’ve been waiting for.
Why You Want This:
The last sentence of the previous paragraph should cover it. Beta-Charge offers beta-alanine in a quickly-digetible format, allowing it to “hit” you right away so you can get down to work. Getting warmed up and drilling isn’t always the most enjoyable thing in the world when you’re tired, depleted, and just want to get on with it. A little bit of beta-alanine thrown into the mix can change that perspective.
Muscular endurance is not a little important – it is vital for every competitive wrestler. And when your body is short on calories, energy can be tough to come by. Entering what you know is going to be a grueling workout feeling slightly out of sorts is part of the wrestling journey. Beta-Charge or really, any CarnoSyn beta-alanine product can help you enter practices and workouts with more vigor that should last the entire time. Plus, you can get Fruit Punch flavor. Who doesn’t love that?
Why You Don’t Want This:
There is one side effect to Beta-Charge that can be slightly disconcerting: pins and needles. After ingesting a couple grams of beta-alanine, many athletes experience “pins and needles”, and for some, it can be kind of uncomfortable. If you are very sensitive to this sort of thing, you may want to look for an alternative amino acid booster. However, this effect does wear off after about 20 minutes or a good warmup.
Another issue is the price. One 150 gram container of Beta-Charge (approximately $20) only lasts a couple of weeks (and that’s if it is used conservatively) and the 240 gram option (around $35) a little bit longer than that. For those that who like using this stuff for multiple workouts a day should have really fat wallets or sponsors willing to foot the bill. Because as everyone knows, purchasing supplements adds up.
Is it worth it?
If the price and amount is bothersome, there are plenty of more cost-effective alternatives available that deliver the same official Carno-Syn blend. But make no mistake about it – beta alanine in one form or another is highly recommended.