When the Team USA Cadets take the mat this week at the World Championships, it will have only been just over month since the team was selected. At any age group, that is a significantly short turnaround. If we’re talking about high schoolers, whom for the most part do not train this style on a full-time basis, it’s even shorter. Even still, the athletes who comprise the American squad in 2018 are not and should not be concerned about the timing. That’s because if you look up and down the lineup, you will see a balanced mix of explosive talent and hard-to-find overseas experience.
The US World Team has not had months to prepare, and usually, that would be construed as a negative. But it might actually work to their advantage, at least in one regard. The athletes are all fresh off of practicing Greco throughout the spring leading up to the Trials. There hasn’t been time for everyone to return home and re-engage in folkstyle or enter a series of tournaments. Moreover, a quick turnaround also means that even if an athlete is hitting a growth spurt, he is still less likely to experience an issue making weight on match day.
2018 USA Cadet Greco-Roman World Team
45 kg: Cale Anderson (WI)
48 kg: Brendan Chaowanapibool (WA)
51 kg: Jakason Burks (NE)
55 kg: Hunter Lewis (WI)
60 kg: Phillip Moomey (NE)
65 kg: Dominick Damon (WA)
71 kg: James Burks (NE)
80 kg: Jonathon Fagen (ID)
92 kg: Jacob Kaminski (IL)
110 kg: Luke Luffman (IL)
Coaches: Lucas Steldt (WI), Mark Rial (IA)
Jonathon Fagen (ID) takes over for Abe Assad (IL) due to the latter’s desire to focus on the freestyle portion of the event, representing the only roster change for Team USA. Fagen, who trains under Ivan Ivanov, is a versatile (and powerful) Greco athlete who has improved mightily over the past two seasons.
Interestingly, there are no holdovers from the 2017 squad. World Champion Cohlton Schultz (NYAC) aged out and he wasn’t the only one. On top of that, Lucas Byrd and Ridge Lovett chose to forgo the chance to give it another try, disappointing if only because of how talented they both are — and how impressively they performed last year. But that’s the point to all of this. Last year was last year. The American Cadets gearing up for battle next week possess just as much, if not more overall ability than we’ve seen in quite some time. They just happen to not be the beneficiaries of as much of a cushion in between tournaments as is usually the case each summer. If you read this past week’s Coach Lindland’s Report, chances are you’re aware that these circumstances are currently not being seen as a decided disadvantage for the US Cadet World Team.
2018 Cadet Greco-Roman World Championships Rosters
*Rosters are subject to change.
- Of the 47 nations scheduled to be represented at the Cadet Worlds only 11 are fielding full teams, including the USA.
- Argentina, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, France, Italy, Norway, Tajikistan, and Chinese Taipei are, as of press time, bringing just one athlete.
- There is one returning Champion (Gurban Gurbanov of AZE, who struck gold last year at 42 kg) from 2017 and several returning medalists, with one silver — Nursultan Bazarbaev (65 kg, KAZ) and three bronze — Daniel Dimitrov Pramatarov (45 kg, ITA), Kosei Takeshita (60 kg, JPN) and Giorgi Tsopurashvili (80 kg, GEO).
48 kg: Mohamed Dridi
60 kg: Ahmed Abdelhakim Merikhi
80 kg: Fadi Roubah
51 kg: Eduardo Lovera
48 kg: Garnik Hovhannisyan
51 kg: Robert Karapetyan or Varazdat Gevorgyan
55 kg: Gevorg Sukiasyan
60 kg: Vladmir Haroyan
65 kg: Shant Khachatryan
71 kg: Samvel Sargsyan
80 kg: Karen Khachatryan
45 kg: Gurban Gurbanov
48 kg: Nihad Guluzade
51 kg: Hasrat Jafarov
55 kg: Murad Cantik Abbasov
60 kg: Adam Hajizada
92 kg: Lachin Valiyev
110 kg: Sarkhan Mammadov
45 kg: Illia Kandziakov
48 kg: Artsem Markevich
51 kg: Viktar Maksimau
55 kg: Hleb Makaranka
60 kg: Kiryl Malchykau
65 kg: Ilya Liudyna
71 kg: Dzianis Zhelezouski
80 kg: Pavel Hlinchuk
92 kg: Ivan Suvalau
110 kg: Mikita Kavalski
45 kg: Edmond Armen Nazaryan
48 kg: Denis Krasimirov Demirov
51 kg: Andrian Biserov Krasimirov
55 kg: Ilia Dimitrov Mustakov
60 kg: Tsvetan Metodiev Sirashki
65 kg: Genai Ivov Sevdalinov
71 kg: Petar Stefanov Gornyashki
80 kg: Valeri Mladenov Aleksiev
92 kg: Iliyan Veselinov Lazarov
110 kg: Kamen Pavlov Petrov
51 kg: Junjie Tan
55 kg: Jiajun Yang
65 kg: Bin Xu
71 kg: Sheng Xia
80 kg: Weihang Li
92 kg: Tianbin Yang
Ivory Coast
80 kg: Ulrich Elyse Manouan
55 kg: Antonio Cibaric or Domagoj Celicek
60 kg: Tomislav Duric or Luka Prihistal
71 kg: Damjan Bezjak or Marko Nikolic
80 kg: Kristian Lukac
92 kg: Emil Osmanagic
110 kg: David Ivanjko
Czech Republic
65 kg: Michal Daniel
80 kg: Ondrej Havelka
110 kg: Marcel Albini
71 kg: Jonas Kjeldgaard Moeller
80 kg: Turpan Ali Alvievich Bisultanov
45 kg: Jeremy Renzo Peralta Gonzalez
45 kg: Abdalla Mohamed Shaaban
92 kg: Shady Elkhalil Ibrahim Wehib
71 kg: Robyn Paulberg
80 kg: Raoul Aho Leitham
92 kg: Richard Karelson
60 kg: Kasperi Kristian Kauhanen
71 kg: Jimi Juhani Ahola
80 kg: Antti Henrik Juhani Haanpaeae
60 kg: Gagik Mishai Snjoyan
45 kg: Khvicha Abuladze
48 kg: Dimitri Khachidze
51 kg: Giorgi Tokhadze
55 kg: Giorgi Pertaia
60 kg: Giorgi Chkhikvadze
65 kg: Khvicha Ananidze
71 kg: Giorgi Shpetishvili
80 kg: Giorgi Tsopurashvili
92 kg: Lasha Tvildiani
110 kg: Mata Gokadze
51 kg: Aaron Bellscheidt
55 kg: Numan Bayram
65 kg: Samuel Bellscheidt
48 kg: Anastasios Iakovidis
55 kg: Antonios Parotsidis
60 kg: Konstantinos Damianakis
65 kg: Georgios Nikolopoulos
71 kg: Konstantinos Papavasileiou
80 kg: Avraam Sotiriadis
110 kg: Nikolaos Ntounias
60 kg: Attila Tamas Toesmagi
65 kg: Gyula Horvath
71 kg: Krisztofer Klanyi
80 kg: Patrick Janos Mezei
92 kg: Artur Vegh
110 kg: Mark Marton
45 kg: Rushikesh Uttam Patil
48 kg: Arshad Arshad
51 kg: Laishram Sayon Meitei
55 kg: Kumar Anup
60 kg: Pravesh Pravesh
65 kg: Vikas Vikas
71 kg: Deepak Deepak
80 kg: Varun Varun
92 kg: Nitesh Nitesh
110 kg: Narinder Narinder
45 kg: Amirreza Mohammadreza Dehbozorgi
48 kg: Sajjad Javid Abbaspourragni
51 kg: Iman Hossein Khoon Mohammadi
55 kg: Amirhossein Gholam Reza Khounsari
60 kg: Shahin Eidi Badaghi Mofrad
65 kg: Hossein Afrasiyab Ghasemi
71 kg: Mohammadmahdi Faramarz Hadavand
80 kg: Mohammad Aziz Naghousi
92 kg: Mohammad Ghorbanali Nosrati
110 kg: Mohammadreza Eisa Abdian
60 kg: Abere Fetene
65 kg: Radik Rakhmatulin
80 kg: David Zhytomyrsky
45 kg: Daniel Dimitrov Pramatarov
45 kg: Mizuki Araki
48 kg: Taiga Onishi
51 kg: Wataru Sasaki
55 kg: Kotetsu Taniguchi
60 kg: Kosei Takeshita
65 kg: Kyotaro Sogabe
71 kg: Shu Yamada
80 kg: Daizo Tanizaki
92 kg: Satoshi Miura
110 kg: Takaaki Watanabe
45 kg: Yeldos Kamelov
51 kg: Iskhar Kurbayev
55 kg: Merey Maulitkanov
60 kg: Din Mukhamed Koshkar
65 kg: Nursultan Bazarbaev
71 kg: Abdiazim Karabayev
80 kg: Veisal Eyubov
92 kg: Yerzat Yerlanov
110 kg: Assylbek Abdikalyk
45 kg: Akyikat Kulzhigit Uulu
51 kg: Baktiiar Akberdiev
55 kg: Nurmukhammet Abdullaev
60 kg: Erbol Baziev
65 kg: Farkhad Maian
71 kg: Arkyt Orozbekov
92 kg: Nurmanbet Raimaly Uulu
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
51 kg: Faisal Khalid E Aldossary
65 kg: Hassan Shaya S Alharthi
45 kg: Martynas Muizys
51 kg: Adomas Grigaliunas
60 kg: Vilius Savickas
65 kg: Konstantinas Kesanidi
71 kg: Eimantas Vilimas
92 kg: Ignas Bukauskas
48 kg: Leonid Moroz
55 kg: Corneliu Rusu
60 kg: Ion Donici
65 kg: Mihail Anaiev
71 kg: Alexandrin Gutu
80 kg: Artur Cucereanu
51 kg: Bredi Slinkers
55 kg: Justin Pothuizen
71 kg: Marcel Sterkenburg
80 kg: Tyrone Sterkenburg
80 kg: Exauce Mukubu
55 kg: Grzegorz Kunkel
60 kg: Krzysztof Robert Steffan
65 kg: Kamil Waldemar Nowak
71 kg: Konrad Lukasz Kozlowski
80 kg: Adam Mateusz Gardziola
92 kg: Aleksander Oliwer Platek
110 kg: Tomasz Jacek Wawrzynczyk
48 kg: Constantin Ionut Tudor
51 kg: Adrian Daniel Anton
55 kg: Manuel Stoica
71 kg: Vasile Daniel Cojoc
80 kg: Andrei Horea Barbul
45 kg: Ilias Iandrov
48 kg: Islam Ismailovich Aliev
51 kg: Vachik Saakian
55 kg: Albert Khokonov
60 kg: Daniil Tazhitinov
65 kg: Muslim Imadaev
71 kg: Stepan Starodubtsev
80 kg: Amrikhan Tsechoev
92 kg: Aleksei Mileshin
110 kg: Aleksandr Shaposhnikov
60 kg: Luka Gumilar
80 kg: Klemen Podgorelec
65 kg: Aleksa Ilic
80 kg: Mario Vukovic
110 kg: Velijko Petrakovic
60 kg: David Simon Loher
65 kg: Michael Portmann
65 kg: Oliver Olah
71 kg: Zoltona Megaly
80 kg: Aron Arpad Csoergo
55 kg: Nilas Jan Olov Pontus Oehlen
60 kg: Georgios Michalis Barbanos
65 kg: Radoslaw Konstanty Molin
71 kg: Simon Christer Borkenhagen
80 kg: Alexander Mikael Johansson
71 kg: Khabibdzhon Zukhurov
Chinese Taipei
48 kg: Chen Ching Weng
51 kg: Mehdi Jouini
71 kg: Lamjed Maafi
45 kg: Berat Buyuktazim
48 kg: Seyfullah Kilic
51 kg: Mukremin Aktas
55 kg: Mert Ilbars
60 kg: Sehat Kirik
65 kg: Tansel Can Ortucu
71 kg: Abdullah Ates
80 kg: Oktay Demir
92 kg: Osman Ayadin
110 kg: Muhammat Hamza Bakir
45 kg: Hennadii Zavetailo
48 kg: Dmytro Vasyliev
51 kg: Volodymyr Voitovych
55 kg: Maksym Kutsenko
60 kg: Vladyslav Yevtushenko
65 kg: Mykyta Politaiev
71 kg: Hlib Skorofatov
80 kg: Mykyta Alieksieiev
92 kg: Davyd Samsonov
110 kg: Sviatoslav Kalashnikov
45 kg: Khusankhon Yunuskhonov
48 kg: Abror Atabaev
51 kg: Lazizkhon Uzbekov
55 kg: Amirbek Sultonov
60 kg: Mukhammadjon Payanov
65 kg: Shokhrukh Abdullaev
71 kg: Bilol Vakhbov
80 kg: Bekzod Akhmedov
92 kg: Abrorbek Nurmukhammedov
110 kg: Mukhammadali Saydullaev
2018 Cadet Greco-Roman World Championships
July 6th-8th — Zagreb, Croatia
Friday, July 6th: Qualification rounds through semifinals — 48 kg, 55 kg, 65 kg, 80 kg, and 110 kg
Saturday, July 7th: Qualification rounds through semifinals — 45 kg, 51 kg, 60 kg, 71 kg, and 92 kg;
Finals — 48 kg, 55 kg, 65 kg, 80 kg, and 110 kg
Sunday, July 8th: Finals — 45 kg, 51 kg, 60 kg, 71 kg, and 92 kg
Wrestling begins Friday and Saturday morning at 10:30am with semifinals scheduled for 5:30pm. Finals for Saturday and Sunday begin at 6:00pm. All times local (+6:00 EST)
Available to view live in the US on Trackwrestling.com (subscription required).
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