In order for the United States to have emerged as team champions from the 2023 Pan-American Games, medalists in each weight category...
The United States is two-for-two when it comes to gold medalists after one day of action at the 2023 Pan-American Games in...
The Greco-Roman brackets for the 2023 Pan-American Games, which begins this Friday in the proper style, were released earlier this evening. Two...
The 2023 Pan-American Games, one of the most important tournaments of the quadrennium for the United States, takes place this week in...
On Friday afternoon, Northern Michigan University’s National Training Site hosted a special intrasquad dual that helped launch the program’s 2023-24 season. Matches...
The second morning of Greco-Roman at the Worlds produced three more individual wins for American athletes — but not one has advanced...
Kamal Bey (77 kg, Army/WCAP) won his first match in Belgrade but was stunned in short order by one of his bracket’s...
When the World Championships for Greco-Roman wrestling begins later this month in Belgrade, Serbia, Team USA will boast five representatives from the...
In what was the last major pre-World Championships tune-up, both Felix Baldauf (97 kg, NOR) and Ildar Hafizov (60 kg, USA) came away with...
If there were one item about which Ildar Hafizov (60 kg, Army/WCAP) has been vocal the past two years, it is that he...